Our Story

It was during her working experience as a Speech Therapist that Marta realized she was working with forces that had the potential to move and shape the world: Children and Speech. So Marta set on a path to nurture and expand every child’s potential she worked with. So that when the time came, whenever it came, the little ones were ready to fly empowered and self-confident to build a better future.
The barn swallow is a bird known for travelling around the world and announce the arrival of spring. In just a single day at school, with family or friends, a child’s mind can travel to all four corners of the world. In just a single day, a child can be an astronaut, a pirate, a painter. You name it. And we want all that journey to be followed by a warming laugh, full of life, just like spring.
The barn swallow symbolizes Marta’s Portuguese origins and her family journey in their new home country, Sweden. Not only did Marta feel extremely welcomed from the very first day, she also noticed that Southern European quality cloths and handicraft could merge with Scandinavian design and color patterns into iconic fashion products for children. With this in mind, Marta created the first collection in 2022 and with it the beginning of a wonderful journey.